So that cancer and chronic illness become value creators for all
Why get involved?

"Companies are aware that taking on the subject is an opportunity for the entire organization. Cancer@Work was created by and for companies to invest in this unexplored territory and to enable the creation of new spaces for collective success by creating links and trust."
Philippe SALLE, President of Cancer@Work, and President of Emeria
A proactive and responsible act that brings together all energies:
To better support your employees facing the disease: patients, caregivers, colleagues, managers ...
To make cancer a synonym of sustainable performance in the company and value creation for all
To change the way the company and society look at patients.
Joining Cancer@Work allows you to :
COMMIT by signing the Cancer@Work Charter:
The members of Cancer@Work share ideas, values and convictions. This is why each member marks their commitment by signing the Cancer@Work Charter.
ACCESS to a proven methodology:
Thanks to the experimental "Pioneer" programs conducted over 3 years, Cancer@Work provides its members with a methodology for integrating the disease.
SHARE time for exchanges with your peers:
You become part of the first network of companies committed to the subject of cancer and work and participate in events organized by the Club: annual symposium, breakfasts/dinners, co-construction workshops, etc.
GROW the subject:
You contribute to the growth of the subject of cancer and work by sharing your good practices and you benefit from the feedback of other members.
How to get involved?
Complete the membership form and send it to: contact@canceratwork.com
We will contact you upon receipt to discuss your motivations and ambitions and, after validation by the Board of Directors, agree with you on a date for the official signature of the Cancer@Work Charter. You join the club of Cancer@Work member companies to move forward together and build your company's specific action plan.